The Boundless Blog

Your guide to becoming a digital nomad family, travelling with children, building meaningful connections and build the life you've always dreamt of.

April 19, 2024
8 min read

Unleashing Potential: How Boundless Education Celebrates UN World Creativity & Innovation Day.

Every year on April 21st, the world comes together to celebrate UN World Creativity & Innovation Day. This day recognises the transformative power of creative thinking and fresh ideas in tackling global challenges and achieving sustainable development. Learn how Boundless Education brings this day to life, every day.
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April 12, 2024
8 min read

No Ordinary Summer: Unforgettable Experiences Await During Your 4-Week Bali Getaway!

Dreaming of an extended summer adventure that reconnects your family and ignites a sense of wonder? Look no further than Boundless Life's 4-Week Getaways in Bali this July and August! We've curated a unique blend of relaxation, exploration, and cultural immersion, all designed to create lasting memories for your family.
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April 9, 2024
8 min read

What Is a Family Gap Year?! Unlock the Secrets of This Growing Trend

Ever dreamt of exploring the world with your kids? The family gap year trend is booming, offering families a chance to ditch routines and bond over incredible experiences. This blog dives into the benefits, from strengthened family connections to real-world learning, and tackles potential challenges like finances and education. Plus, we'll show you how other families made it work, and how you can too!
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April 1, 2024
8 min read

Bay Watch: Discover the Bay of Kotor with Boundless Life

The Bay of Kotor, a dramatic fjord nestled in Montenegro, isn't just stunning scenery – it's a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be discovered by Boundless Life families starting July 2024. History echoes from ancient walls, the Adriatic beckons with inviting turquoise hues, and adventure awaits around every corner. Let’s dive in and get to know Boundless’ fifth location a little better…
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April 1, 2024
8 min read

Empowering Learners, Inspiring Educators: The Finnish Approach at the Heart of Boundless Education

Among the many educational systems worldwide, Finland's model consistently stands out for its remarkable achievements in fostering student well-being and cultivating a love of learning, leading to consistently high academic performance.
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March 12, 2024
8 min read

Growing Together: Two Years, Four Locations and One Extra Family Member.

Michelle, Jake, Henley and Jagger are a Boundless Life Founding Family who joined our very first cohort back in Sintra, Portugal in February 2022. We are truly delighted that they have since travelled with us to every Boundless Life location since and are currently enjoying Boundless Bali. Their family has grown (quite literally!) alongside our own. Let’s meet them and delve into our wonderful shared experiences so far.
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March 12, 2024
8 min read

My BIG Boundless Family: 3 moms on the realities of travelling with their bumper brood.

Let’s be honest, the idea of slow travel with multiple kids may sound idyllic: sun-kissed beaches, enriching cultural experiences, and bonding moments under starry skies. The reality also involves sand EVERYWHERE, questionable translations of "please stop picking your nose," and enough lost flip-flops to populate a small island. But these 3 moms wouldn't have it any other way! Let’s find out why…
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March 8, 2024
8 min read

International Women’s Day: 3 Reasons Why Remote Work Is Helping Women Challenge the Leadership Gender Gap

On International Women’s Day, we are reminded of how far we’ve come in terms of the leadership gender gap, but also of the long road still ahead. In this article, we will take a look at how remote work is accelerating the career goals of working women and helping them burst through the glass ceiling.
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March 6, 2024
8 min read

Unlocking longer stays in Europe: How Kotor Holds the Key.

A mind-boggling number of factors are taken into account when selecting our Boundless Life locations. It takes time to hone in on that perfect spot. That’s why it’s always so exciting when we discover an absolute gem of a place and we get to share the news with our community. Without further ado, please meet our fifth location: Kotor, Montenegro!
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March 6, 2024
8 min read

Captivating Kotor: Introducing Our Fifth Boundless Life Location!

A mind-boggling number of factors are taken into account when selecting our Boundless Life locations. It takes time to hone in on that perfect spot. That’s why it’s always so exciting when we discover an absolute gem of a place and we get to share the news with our community. Without further ado, please meet our fifth location: Kotor, Montenegro!
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March 5, 2024
8 min read

Meet Our “Tween Leader”, Zak! Upper Foundation Educator Extraordinaire

If there was a Boundless Life A-Z, the typically impossible-to-fill ‘z’ slot would be occupied by Zak - our ever-popular Upper Foundation educator and original Boundless Education Crew member. Read on to find out why “Is Zak going to be there?!” is now considered an FAQ amongst parents and children alike.
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Finding Peace in Paradise: The Health and Well-being Benefits of Yoga

Yoga has been part of Boundless Life’s community programming from the very beginning. Our complimentary weekly yoga and well-being sessions take place across all our locations and offer parents an opportunity for peaceful self-reflection and rejuvenation. Let's explore how practising yoga regularly can elevate your health and well-being on multiple levels, and how Bali is perhaps the ultimate destination to discover your inner yogi.
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Best of the Quests: Playful Parks for Everyone

Boundless Education’s project-based ‘Quests’ are a key component of each of our cohorts. The Explorers taking part in our 3-month April-June Experience will be embarking on the perfect springtime Quest: Playful Parks for Everyone. And there may be no better place than our Tuscany location to bring this to life.
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Deep Work in Paradise: Creating a Focus Oasis in Blissful Bali

Bali beckons with its turquoise waters, swaying palm trees, and vibrant culture. But for remote workers, paradise can pose a unique challenge: balancing time differences and the demands of work – including focused, cognitively demanding tasks – with the island's alluring distractions. So, can a North American citizen working from Bali truly achieve the laser-sharp concentration synonymous with Deep Work? Absolutely!
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The Dynamic Duo: Meet Our Coolest Educator/Student Twosome

Maintaining relationships when slow travelling is so important. It helps us feel grounded against an ever-changing backdrop. At Boundless Life, one of the most meaningful relationships that can form is between our educators and students. Zak and Mahaan have bonded across ALL of our locations for more than 2 years! They say “Double the trouble, double the fun”. Let's find out if it’s true…
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It Takes Two: Meet Our Education Quality Assurance Team

Boundless Education is now two years old! Just like with our children, we’re wondering where the time went and can’t believe how much we’ve grown. We’ve made lots of changes and improvements already but don’t ever want to be complacent. The world is changing quickly, education approaches and methods are evolving, and we want to be at the forefront - not running to catch up. With that very much in mind, we’d love to introduce you to two incredible education experts who’ve joined our Crew to keep us all on our toes.
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Meet the Crew: Edward, General Manager in Bali

Raise your coconut mojitos and smoothies if you love Bali! Us too. And guess what? We love it so much, we're doubling down on the awesomeness. Introducing Edward, our new General Manager! He’s primed and ready to help your family make unforgettable memories. So get ready for beach bonfires, secret waterfalls, and enough stories to fill a Balinese epic. Let's give Edward a warm Bali welcome and get to know him a little better.
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500 Families. 1,000 Children. 2 Years: One Wild, Boundless Ride

Rewind two years. The Founders of Boundless Life and a brand new Crew are in Sintra, Portugal nervously awaiting the arrival of the first-ever group of Boundless Life families. Everything had led up to this moment. It seems like a lifetime ago, but also like yesterday. Today, we look to the future, but it’s good to reflect on how far we’ve all come together.
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